SAY 2023 - 2024


Awarded to Angelique Kayser

Angelique Kayser

SAY 2022-2023


Awarded to Lisa Smith

Lisa Smith

SAY 2021-2022


Awarded to Camille LeFevre

Camille LeFebre

SAY 2020-2021


Awarded to Linda Boggs

Linda Boggs

SAY 2019-2020


Awarded to Barb Quinn

Barb Quinn

Criteria for Sweet Adeline of the Year (SAY)

Each fiscal year, the Spirit of the Gulf - Sweet Adelines names one member as Sweet Adeline of the Year (SAY).  The award recognizes the exceptional dedication, participation, contributions, and talents to our chorus over the past 12 months.  The winners meet one or more of these qualities.

  • Goes above and beyond to make a positive impact on the chorus,
  • Actively leads or participates in chorus activities and functions, 
  • Generously donates her time, skills, and knowledge to the chorus and fellow members,
  • Demonstrates exceptional leadership, commitment, service, creativity, cooperation, and Spirit's Mission of "Changing Lives Through Music."